
The MelonInstaller exe/dll is used to Build, Install, and Update Melon.

The application has translation support for EN and ES. You can switch lang by using the argument:

> MelonInstller --lang ES


Melon can be built for Release by using the --build command line argument. Example:

> MelonInstaller -build -buildPath <path to MelonWebApi Project root> -outputPath <output path>

This will update the Version number, build for Release, then pack it in a zip file. Version numbers are generated to make easy representations of the timeline of versions. They are a Major.Minor.Patch.Revision style version number that are generated as:

The built zip will come with an extra number at the end, seconds since last minute, to keep from builds overwriting each other. This number should be removed in releases and is not set in the code, so will not be shown when calling MelonWebApi.exe -v


Melon can be easily installed just by running the MelonInstaller without any arguments. It will ask you where you want to install, then install the latest version from the github release. You can use the argument --installPath <path> to skip this UI and install quickly.


Whenever you call to update Melon it will launch the MelonInstaller and then close itself.

Updates are downloaded from the MelonMediaServer GitHub's releases. It pulls the latest release, and compares the version numbers. If the version number is higher it will download the release zip and extract it to the install folder, overwriting existing files.

You can call for an update for yourself by using this command:

> MelonInstaller -update -installPath <installationDir>

You can tell it to restart the server after updating by adding the -restart argument:

> MelonInstaller -update -restart -installPath <installationDir>