
The Album class represents an album in the Melon library, including metadata, user statistics, artwork, and associations with artists and genres.



Property Type Description
_id string The unique identifier for the album in the database.

Basic Information

Property Type Description
Name string The title of the album.
Bio string A detailed description or background information about the album.
Publisher string The publisher or record label that released the album.
ReleaseStatus string The current release status (e.g., "Released", "Upcoming").
ReleaseType string The type of release (e.g., "Album", "Single", "EP").
ReleaseDate DateTime The official release date of the album.
DateAdded DateTime The date and time when the album was added to the system.

Content Details

Property Type Description
TotalDiscs int The total number of discs in the album.
TotalTracks int The total number of tracks across all discs in the album.


Property Type Description
AlbumArtCount int The number of album artwork images available.
AlbumArtDefault int The index of the default album artwork to display.
AlbumArtPaths List<string> A list of file paths or URLs to the album's artwork images.

Genres and Artists

Property Type Description
AlbumGenres List<string> A list of genres associated with the album.
AlbumArtists List<DbLink> Primary artists who created the album.
ContributingArtists List<DbLink> Artists who contributed to the album.

User Statistics

Property Type Description
PlayCounts List<UserStat> Play count statistics per user or aggregated.
SkipCounts List<UserStat> Skip count statistics indicating how often tracks are skipped.
Ratings List<UserStat> User ratings for the album.

Server Information

Property Type Description
ServerURL string The base URL of the server hosting the album's resources.

This value is unused. It is planned for use with listening parties in v2.


The ResponseAlbum class is used for HTTP responses, providing a trimmed version of the album data suitable for client consumption.


All properties are the same as in the Album class, except AlbumArtPaths is excluded to reduce payload size and protect internal data.