
The Artist class represents an artist in the Melon library, including metadata, user statistics, artwork, and associated genres and connected artists.



Property Type Description
_id string The unique identifier for the artist in the database.

Basic Information

Property Type Description
Name string The name of the artist.
Bio string A detailed biography or background information.
Genres List<string> Genres associated with the artist.
DateAdded DateTime The date and time when the artist was added to the system.


Property Type Description
ArtistPfpArtCount int Number of profile pictures available for the artist.
ArtistBannerArtCount int Number of banner images available for the artist.
ArtistPfpDefault int Index of the default profile picture.
ArtistBannerArtDefault int Index of the default banner image.
ArtistPfpPaths List<string> File paths or URLs to the artist's profile pictures.
ArtistBannerPaths List<string> File paths or URLs to the artist's banner images.

User Statistics

Property Type Description
PlayCounts List<UserStat> Play count statistics for the artist.
SkipCounts List<UserStat> Skip count statistics for the artist.
Ratings List<UserStat> User ratings for the artist.


Used in api/discovery functions

Property Type Description
ConnectedArtists List<DbLink> Artists connected or related to this artist.

Server Information

Property Type Description
ServerURL string The base URL of the server hosting the artist's resources.

This value is unused. It is planned for use with listening parties in v2.


The ResponseArtist class is used for HTTP responses, providing a trimmed version of the artist data suitable for client consumption.


Property Type Description
_id string The unique identifier for the artist.
Name string The name of the artist.
Bio string A biography or background information about the artist.
ArtistPfpArtCount int Number of profile pictures available.
ArtistBannerArtCount int Number of banner images available.
ArtistPfpDefault int Index of the default profile picture.
ArtistBannerArtDefault int Index of the default banner image.
PlayCounts List<UserStat> User play count statistics.
SkipCounts List<UserStat> User skip count statistics.
Ratings List<UserStat> User ratings for the artist.
ServerURL string Server URL hosting the artist's resources.
Genres List<string> Genres associated with the artist.
DateAdded DateTime Date when the artist was added to the system.