
The Collection class represents a collection of tracks, which can be dynamically generated based on filters or manually curated.


Property Type Description
_id string The unique identifier for the collection.
Name string The name of the collection.
Description string A description of the collection.
TrackCount long The number of tracks in the collection.
Owner string Username of the collection owner.
Editors List<string> Usernames who can edit the collection.
Viewers List<string> Usernames who can view the collection.
PublicViewing bool Indicates if the collection is publicly viewable.
PublicEditing bool Indicates if the collection is publicly editable.
ArtworkPath string File path or URL to the collection's artwork.
AndFilters List<string> Filters that must all be satisfied to include a track.
OrFilters List<string> Filters where any satisfied will include a track.
Tracks List<DbLink> Tracks included in the collection.


The ResponseCollection class is used for HTTP responses, providing a trimmed version of the collection data suitable for client consumption.


All properties are the same as in the Collection class, except ArtworkPath and Tracks are excluded.