GithubResponse Class

The GithubResponse class represents the response from GitHub API when querying for release information.


Property Type Description
url string API URL for this release.
assets_url string URL to retrieve assets of the release.
upload_url string URL for uploading assets.
html_url string HTML URL of the release page.
id int Unique identifier of the release.
author [Author](models/Author) Author of the release.
node_id string Node ID of the release.
tag_name string Tag name of the release.
target_commitish string Target branch or commit SHA.
name string Name of the release.
draft bool Indicates if the release is a draft.
prerelease bool Indicates if the release is a prerelease.
created_at DateTime Creation timestamp of the release.
published_at DateTime Publication timestamp of the release.
assets Asset[] Assets associated with the release.
tarball_url string URL to download as tarball.
zipball_url string URL to download as zip file.
body string Description or release notes.

Author Class

The Author class represents the author of a GitHub release.


Property Type Description
login string Username of the author.
id int Unique identifier of the author.
node_id string Node ID of the author.
avatar_url string URL to the author's avatar image.
gravatar_id string Gravatar ID, if applicable.
url string API URL for the author's information.
html_url string HTML URL to the author's profile.
followers_url string API URL to retrieve followers.
following_url string API URL to retrieve following users.
gists_url string API URL to retrieve gists.
starred_url string API URL to retrieve starred repos.
subscriptions_url string API URL to retrieve subscriptions.
organizations_url string API URL to retrieve organizations.
repos_url string API URL to retrieve repositories.
events_url string API URL to retrieve events.
received_events_url string API URL to retrieve received events.
type string Type of the user (e.g., "User").
site_admin bool Indicates if the user is a site admin.

Asset Class

The Asset class represents an asset associated with a GitHub release.


Property Type Description
url string API URL for the asset.
id int Unique identifier of the asset.
node_id string Node ID of the asset.
name string Name of the asset.
label object Label of the asset, if any.
uploader [Uploader](models/Uploader) Uploader of the asset.
content_type string MIME type of the asset.
state string State of the asset (e.g., "uploaded").
size int Size of the asset in bytes.
download_count int Number of times the asset has been downloaded.
created_at DateTime Creation timestamp of the asset.
updated_at DateTime Last update timestamp of the asset.
browser_download_url string URL to download the asset via browser.

Uploader Class

The Uploader class represents the user who uploaded an asset on GitHub.


Property Type Description
login string Username of the uploader.
id int Unique identifier of the uploader.
node_id string Node ID of the uploader.
avatar_url string URL to the uploader's avatar image.
gravatar_id string Gravatar ID, if applicable.
url string API URL for the uploader's information.
html_url string HTML URL to the uploader's profile.
followers_url string API URL to retrieve followers.
following_url string API URL to retrieve following users.
gists_url string API URL to retrieve gists.
starred_url string API URL to retrieve starred repos.
subscriptions_url string API URL to retrieve subscriptions.
organizations_url string API URL to retrieve organizations.
repos_url string API URL to retrieve repositories.
events_url string API URL to retrieve events.
received_events_url string API URL to retrieve received events.
type string Type of the user (e.g., "User").
site_admin bool Indicates if the user is a site admin.